Bismuth Meaning

Bismuth Meaning
Bismuth Meaning

Astrological Sign of Aquarius

Bismuth Crystallizes in the form of masses and, occasionally, hexagonal crystals. it is a silver-white colour which transforms to red.

It can be used to help one to transit from the physical plane to the astral state and/or to the spiritual realms. In this case, it provides for the opening for, and the continuity of travel with respect to, a pre-established travel plan.

It relieves conditions for emotional and spiritual isolation, allowing one to feel the connected-ness with “All That Is”. It allows one to abide within serenity, regardless of ones physical location, enhancing the state of the moment with the illumination of wisdom.

Bismuth has been used as a stone of transformation; it directs the change to orderliness and calms the state of change, providing a supplemental physical vitality to the user. It transforms the energy of the crown chakra to energize the base chakra [in contrast with most stones] and actualizes the power of wisdom.

It stimulates cohesiveness in groups and relationships, allowing for independence in progression toward a common goal. It also helps one to enjoy the journey.

Bismuth can be used to assist in diminishing fears and in lessening catatonic states. It can also stimulate the energy and can be used to clear the biological field.

Vibrates to the number 2

Chakra Activated

Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997