Calcite Meaning
Astrological Sign of Cancer
CALCITE include masses, grains, stalactites, twelve-faced crystals, (each face exhibiting three unequal sides), and six-faced crystals. Calcite is colorless, but can become white, green, pink, peach, golden, orange, yellow, red, blue, gray, or black when other molecules are present during formation.
This mineral releases electrical impulses when placed under pressure. It is an energy and thought amplifier. It is said to help the mind and body to remember. The mind, to remember information brought to bear during astral travel and channeling experiences.
The body, to remember the state of perfection during disease in order to return to flawlessness. It is useful in multi-directional energy distribution; it appears that the energy, which is directed inward toward the central forces of the mineral, separates and returns at double the intensity.
It brings forth a polarizing prismatic energy, which engenders a spectrum of energy to clear and to activate all of the chakras.
Calcite is a world teacher for all of humanity, facilitating macrocosmic awareness and appreciation of the creative forces of nature. It is an excellent stone when studying the arts and sciences.
Vibrates to the numbers 2 & 8
Chakras Activated (3rd & 4th)
Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997