Chrysoberyl Meaning
Astrological Sign of Leo
Chrysoberyl crystallizes in the hexagonal and tabular crystals.
It occasionally occurs in the six ray star mode of three individual crystals. The color ranges from green, yellow, honey, and red.
Alexandrite is a form of chrysoberyl.
This mineral provides for increase in personal power and spirituality. It synthesizes the energy of the third chakra with the energy of the seventh chakra, providing for utilization of the intellect in ones endeavors.
It helps to both open and activate the crown chakra and brings the energy of astuteness to the furtherance of spirituality.
It is a “stone of immortality”, assisting one to both overcome and to progress toward excellence. It elevates ones sense of self-worth and helps one to understand and to actualize the intrinsic state of perfection which is available.
Chrysoberyl increases generosity and “charitability”. It allows one to forgive family members of friends who may have performed an injustice. It brings peace of mind to the user and promotes understanding of interactive relationships.
It also promotes the feeling of peace within the physical and intellectual bodies and helps one to be charitable to the self.
It allows one to see the good in ones surroundings and to understand opposing views.
The energy of the stone is strong, yet mellifluous. It promotes continuity of those aspects of ones life which would lend themselves toward developmental continuity. It also helps one to release and to discontinue unproductive energy patterns.
It helps to facilitate permanence in physical healing by helping one to both understand and integrate the reasons behind the disorder. Using chrysoberyl concurrently with other stones, which emit the requisite healing energy for specific disorders, actually tends to enhance the energy transmittal from the other stones.
It has been used in the treatment of disorders of incontinuity, to regulate the secretion of adrenaline and cortin, to moderate the cholesterol levels, and to ameliorate disorders of the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. The action of the energy of chrysoberyl also tends to stimulate “un-infection” to infected parts of the body.
It helps bring peace of mind and smart actions in relationships.
Vibrates to the number 6
Chakra Activated (match color to chakras)
Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997