Fossil Meaning


Fossil Meaning

Astrological Sign of Virgo

FOSSILS are made organic matter which has been replaced with stone. Many minerals (ex. opal, quartz, calcite, pyrite, agate, and jasper to name a few) can fill in the spaces around and preserve the cellular structure of the organism. They have a strong life force. Holding fossils and meditating can be very uplifting and helps to develop conscious bonds with nature.

Dinosaur Bone Meaning

Dinosaur Bone Meaning

Astrological Sign of Aries

Dinosaur bone is a portion of a fossilized dinosaur.

In addition to the properties listed above for “Fossil Meaning”:

Use of the dinosaur bone can help to diminish the barriers separating the ancient ones and their inherent knowledge from the modern representatives of the human kingdom.

It can open avenues of communication and insight, assisting one in understanding the Earth changes, the role of evolution, and the issues of dominance and endurance in all situations.

It stimulates our adventuresome nature, helping one to proceed from one point to another with both the faith and strength to understand and to attain the ultimate value of a situation.

The dinosaur bone has been used to stimulate mind travel, providing for a stabilizing force to ground the user while allowing the mid to wander toward a pre-set goal.

It can also be used to help alter ones “recognizability” with respect to verbal response, assisting one toward spontaneity and instinctive undeliberate reply.

It can be used to assist in the assimilation of phosphorous within the body, to stimulate orderly growth of tissues, to control the temperature and the release of fevers from the body, and to re-build and to re-structure confused and disarranged skeletal structures.

Vibrates to the number 9-Fossil / 2-Dinosaur

Chakra Activated (1st Grounding – Bonding)

Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997