Gypsum Meaning
Astrological Sign of Aries
This mineral can be used to mold ones character toward both the ideals to growth and improvement. Stagnation is eliminated and progression is strengthened.
It also helps one to sustain the self when events of life are “happening too quickly”.
It is a lovely stone to place in the middle of the medicine wheel; it can bring together the four directions of the medicine wheel and can induce the synthesis of theses directions with Mother Earth and Father Sky.
It can also bring the members of the wheel into the conditions of “right” thought and action, while maintaining a connection between the members via the heat chakras.
Gypsum is considered the “Lucky Stone”. It provides a strong influence for bringing good fortune to the fortunate Earth-keeper.
GYPSUM is a known tension reliever and enhancer or balancer of the body’s electrical charge.
The lack of density in the weight of gypsum makes it conducive to space travel and work by:
1 – sending out a frequency of friendly interest to the cosmos, and
2 -providing a stronger awareness and strength of the linkup. Holding gypsum in the left hand increases receiving and holding in the right hand increases transmission, and holding the stone in both hands increases both. It can be worn on the body of specifically on the third eye chakra for hands free psychic work.
Vibrates to the number 2
Chakra Activated (7th)
Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997