Herkimer Diamond Meaning

Herkimer Diamond Meaning
Herkimer Diamond Meaning

Astrological Sign of Sagittarius

HERKIMER DIAMOND is a unique and extremely high quality form of clear quartz, which crystallizes in the configuration of double terminated short, stout, clear or included prismatic crystals. This mineral was given the name due to the discovery of this pseudo- diamond in Herkimer, NY. USA

There are now herkimer diamonds which are also available from Oaxacca, Mexico and from Spain; the ones from Oaxacca often contain rutile and geothite

Amethyst herkimer diamonds are available from Tanzania and Mexico. They integrate the properties of the Amethyst with the properties of herkimer diamonds and are truly powerful stones

This mineral provides an energy of delicate harmony, enhancing distinct awareness and unbridled spontaneity. It helps one to “be”, providing for an alliance of surrender and a strength allowing for the further nonrecognition of the essential being within the self; recognition of this aspect also provides for the acknowledgment and appreciation of the essential being, which is not he self, but is within each of us.

The energy of the herkimer diamond helps one to begin again in this lifetime, while allowing one to recognize ones inner space and to remember that there is “nothing to become” – that one is that which one has been seeking and only needs to allow the actualization.  It also assists one in clearing the body-mind system of unconscious fears and repressions, allowing for total relaxation and expansion of life energy.

The herkimer diamond is known as an “attunement stone”. It can be used to attune oneself with another person, environment, or activity.

It is quite important to use a herkimer diamond prior to the “laying-on-of-stones”, or in other healing situations when the practitioner and the subject are not well acquainted; in these cases, a suggested method is for the practitioner and the subject to hold the herkimer diamond, as one, for several minutes prior to the session. [It is a lovely practice to give the subject the herkimer diamond after the session.]

Placement of a portion of a cluster in one location, while carrying another segment of that cluster on ones person, can provide for attunement to the activities or that environment.

For a continual attunement between two people, two herkimers can be held simultaneously by these people and each person can subsequently carry one of the herkimers. this approach can also be applied in groups.

In addition, the herkimer diamond stimulates clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities and can assist one in prescience and in telepathic communication.

It can accept and retain information which can be retrieved at a later time; information can also be stored within the herkimer prior to giving the mineral to another [the reason for the gift ranging from healing facilitation to the transfer of thoughts of love]. After implanting thought-forms of love, it has been used in gridding environments to facilitate healing and well-being for others and for the Earth.

Some people who work in proximity to radioactive materials either wear or carry this stone as a form of protection and to facilitate the dissipation of any harmful rays.

The herkimer diamonds containing rutile combines the qualities of the herkimer with the properties of rutile listed in the RUTILE section of this site. The herkimer diamonds containing geothite combine the qualities of the herkimer with the properties of geothite.

The herkimer diamond is quite useful for dispersal of toxins which have accumulated in the body and for re-building the cellular structure. It has been used to correct imbalances in RNA/DNA and in metabolic rate.

The alleviation of tension, and the calming of the outer bodies and the physical body, which is produced by the mineral, helps to align the energy structure of the user.

It is also quite helpful in releasing the tensions and rigidities of body tissues, further assisting in recovery of memory by these areas, in order to facilitate healing…

Vibrates to the number 3

Chakra Activated (6th & 7th)

Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997