Jasper Meaning

Jasper Meaning
Jasper Meaning

Astrological Sign for Leo – Elemental

Jasper is a form of opaque, usually patterned chalcedony, and occurs in massive formations. The colour range includes dark red, orange, yellow, tan, brown, green, grey, and blue; it sometimes occurs in the configuration containing stripes or “banding”. Properties, additional to tose listed in the Chalcedony section of this site, are listed below.

This mineral is known as the supreme nurturer. It acts as a reminder that one is not here, on this physical plane, just for oneself, but is also here to bring joy and substance to others, assisting others to release the bonds of constraint.

It is conducive to awareness and to allowing one to celebrate situations of isolation. It helps one to realize that one is always remembered by others who can, usually, be called upon to provide insight to examples of those who send loving energy toward ones physical manifestation.

Jasper was often worn by shamen to provide protection. It holds an aspect of solar energy and a connection to the solar plexus chakra which also helped shamen in their magical practices. It was considered a sacred stone during the performance of, and adherence to, the “old ways” of the Native American Indians. The jasper which contains the YELLOW colour was used to assist and protect during times of travel [spiritual or physical]; that which contains the RED colour was thought to induce health and re-birth, bringing freshness in ideas and strategies to the holder. The jasper containing the blue colour was used to connect one with the “after” worlds.

It is a stone which accepts intense responsibility in the realm of protection. It protects against negativity and helps one to grounded to the stabilizing energies of the Earth.

Jasper can be used to align the energy of the chakras and to integrate the attributes of the chakras such that astral journeys can be affected.

It balances the yin-yang energy and balances the physical emotional, and intellectual bodies with the etheric energies.

It stabilizes the aura, providing for a cleansing effect to smooth dysfunctional energies and to eliminate negativity. It helps one to unite the energy field of the physical with the ethereal in order to balance the form and to direct one toward the goal.

The  ancients revered jasper as sacred, protective, and as a facilitator of safe astral travel. [Jasper was placed over the heart and naval chakras prior to astral travel.]

It has also been used during the venture of dowsing.

Jasper is also a sustaining stone, a stone representing the elemental “man”. It can be quite helpful in times of extended hospitalization and when ones energy is low. On a long fast, it can help to keep ones energy high.

Jasper can be used in the treatment of tissue deterioration of the internal organs, and for disorders of the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver, and stomach – the energy is more appropriate for deterioration, rather than the actual state of malfunction. Jasper can be used to tread the loss of sense of smell. It has been reported to sooth the nerves.

It can also help with balancing the mineral content and with the regulation of the supplies of iron, sulfur, zinc, and manganese within the body.

Vibrates to the number 6

Chakra Activated (Varies to Chakra Color)

RED Jasper

Astrological Sign of Taurus.

It has been used to assist one in rectifying unjust circumstances; meditation with this mineral can provide insight to the method of amelioration. The energy communicates the message that all choice is a singularly ones responsibility. It can also assist in providing for rescue in situations or danger.

Red Jasper can facilitate the reiteration of dreams to allow the dreamer to remember the aspects which could be consequential in ones life. It seems to replicate the dream on a video-type mechanism for access during states of meditation.

It can also be used to prevent “set-backs” in disorders. The mineral assists in helping one to learn to progress, and to eliminate the aspects of digression.

Vibrates to the number 6.

Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997