Magnetite Meaning
Astrological Sign of Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, & Virgo
Magnetite crystallizes in the form of crusts, grains, octahedral and rhombdodecahedral crystals, granular masses, and dendrites. It has also occurred within meteoritic structures. The colour range includes iron black and pale brown. It is strongly magnetic and possesses polarity attributes in the form called Lodestone [see the Lodestone section of this site.}
This mineral temporarily aligns the chakras, the subtle bodies, and the meridians of the physical and etheric bodies. It can be used to dispel grief, fear, anger, and attachment.
It enhances desire for, and facilitates the attainment of, those ideas and
“things” which can bring growth to ones spirituality. It also provides the energy conducive to both ease of entry to, and maintenance of, the deep meditative state One can feel the connection to the universal energy during meditation with magnetite.
Magnetite provides for a connection between the user and the nurturing aspects of the Earth. Facilitating grounding and balancing between those bodies. The grounding cord, usually running from the base of the spine to the core of the Earth, is strengthened; hence, all manners of situations are afforded protection, and the environment of a healer during healing situations is provided further protection and stability.
It brings tenacity, durability, and endurance assisting in the magnification of the answers necessary to remove one from situations which are unwanted. It enables one to project ones mind and to view things from a distance.
Magnetite is a “stone of stability” and can be used to attract love. It has been quite instrumental in activities of manifestation, catching “things” like a net and allowing one to secure that which is desired.
It also assists in balancing the emotions with the intellect, in encouraging the trust of ones intuition, and producing mental clarity with respect to the determination of the additional minerals which would be beneficial in ones life.
It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the bone structure, hair, skin, blood, vessels, and the flesh. It has also been used in the treatment of nose bleed. It can help one to “attract” the healing energies necessary for recovery from disorders.
Vibrates to the number 4
Chakra Activated (1st)
Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997