Lead Meaning

Lead Meaning
Lead Meaning

Astrological Sign of Cancer & Capricorn

Lead crystallizes in the form of thin plate-like layers, small globular masses, and rarely actual crystals. The colour is lead-grey.

This mineral provides for access to ones spiritual guides when questions related to direction and course of action are pending. Lead can also facilitate a “new start”.

It assists in the elimination of sedentary aspects and encourages being “on the more”, adding strength to the physical and mental bodies.

It is an excellent stone for groups, serving to stimulate advancement and cohesiveness within a group and to increase awareness and understanding of the goals of the group. It further helps to direct elevated energy toward the furtherance of the group, itself.

It is good for pursuits concerning music [i.e., conductor aspirations], sports activities, and for those connected to areas of management and/or business.

Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. It assists in the conduction of energy to the flexible portions of the body and in clearing  toxins of blood poisoning, disorders of the elimination system, and “upset” stomach/digestive systems.

Vibrates to the number 4

Chakra Activated (?)

Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997