Lodestone Meaning

Lodestone Meaning
Lodestone Meaning

Astrological Sign of Virgo & Gemini

Lodestone crystallizes in the form of octahedral and rhombdodecahedral crystals, granular masses, dendrites, crusts, and grains; it is also found as a constituent in meteorites. The color range includes iron black and bale brown.

Lodestone is actually magnetite with an additional property of polarity. [please not that the configurations of magnetite do not normally possess the polarity attribute.] The additional property is addresses here. The reader may go to the magnetite section of this site for further information.

This additional property of lodestone enables one to both fundamentally recognize and distinguish between the dualities which exist in ones environment. It enhances receptivity and helps one to rejoice in all of the circumstances which enter into ones life. It balances the male/female aspects of ones body, mind, and emotions, and stimulates consciousness for each moment.

It assists in relieving burdens and in bringing to fruition that which is “wanted”. It encourages “holding fast” to ones purpose, eliminating confusion of purpose and balancing unexpected occurrences. It also promotes motivation and confidence, eliminating insecurity and dependence.

Lodestone further serves to prove guidance with respect to the most beneficial direction for progression and ultimate ascension, helping one to understand the signs which point toward the easiest lessons and the most advantageous circumstances. It also assists in removing obstacles along the way.

It is said that, in “days of old”, the lodestone was used to test fidelity; if unfaithful or un-loyal, ones wife, husband, or partner would “fall out of bed” when touched by the lodestone.

It also acts to balance and to align the meridians of the physical body with the etheric body. It aligns and activates the chakras and aligns the etheric body with the subtle bodies. It also aligns the astral body to the etheric body to stimulate ease in astral travel. Alignment and activation of the subtle bodies is also completed. Please note that the alignment, the chakra activation, and the balancing are not permanent.

It assists in the removal of energy blockages which are present in dis-ease, inducing the free flow of the strength of the body to renew itself.

Used to charge pyramids and crystal formations when places at corners. This placement may more that double the grid power.

Vibrates to the number 7

Chakra Activated (1st)

Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997