Obsidian Meaning
Astrological Sign of Sagittarius
Obsidian is lustrous volcanic glass. The color range and related names are varied.
The intrinsic properties of the numerous forms of obsidian include the selection of ones flaws and the promotion of a clear picot of he changes which are necessary to eliminate the flaws. The energies of obsidian produce very blunt answers, focusing ones inner vision and actually, stimulating a picture or vision of the required course of action.
Obsidian is an excellent grounding stone and provides for a connection from the base of the spine to heat of the Earth. It is an excellent protective stone, stabilizing internal and external energies and gently protecting one from that which could bring physical and/or emotional harm.
It provides a shield against negativity, transforming a negative vibrations within an environment. Carrying/wearing obsidian further disposes those unloving thoughts which arise from within the self or are directed toward ones physical form.
It is quite useful in healing, providing both the healer and subject with clarity with respect to both the cause and the amelioration of the dis-ease.
Vibrates to the number 1
Chakra Activated (1st)
Apache Tear is a variety of obsidian –
Apache Tear Meaning – Click Here
Black, Grey, or Brown Obsidian Meaning
Astrological Sign of Sagittarius
Black, Grey, or brown obsidian is, additionally, used for “gazing” and to produce sincerity in action, and insight into future scenes and symptoms.
This obsidian is also used in shamanic ceremonies to aid in the removal of the disorder from the body; one travels with the obsidian to the affected area of the body and visually brings the affectation to the surface, surrounding and transmuting it into white light.
Black obsidian, inducing creativity in all endeavors,
Vibrates to the number 3.
Grey obsidian, inducing tact and cooperation in all situations,
Vibrates to the number 2; &
Brown obsidian, stimulating initiative and independent thought and action, Vibrates to the number 1.
Blue Obsidian Meaning
Astrological sign of Aquarius
Blue obsidian is also used for stimulation of the throat chakra, to enhance ones communications skills, and to assist one in oration, in articulation, and in the comprehension and pronunciation of new languages.
It has been used in telepathic endeavors to maintain connection with an object. It has also been used to increase knowledge and understanding during the utilization of Tarot Cards, “gazing”, and other fortune-telling attendants.
It is an excellent mineral for astral travel, affording purpose and direction during same. It has also been used for protection and for directional knowledge during physical travel.
It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the eyes, to assist in speech therapy, to ameliorate and to alleviate pain, and to bring mental clarity during disorders associated with Alzheimer’s dis-ease, schizophrenia, and multiple-personality confusion
Vibrates to the number 5.
Blue/Green Obsidian Meaning
Astrological sign of Scorpio.
Blue/Green obsidian combines the qualities of the blue obsidian and green obsidian and further promotes stimulation of the heart and throat chakras concurrently to enable one to speak form the heart and to understand communication with the heart.
It has also been used to assist in energy transfer during Reiki healing, to increase spiritual awareness via the creation of balance between the mind, body, and spirit, and to assist one in gentle communication with others.
In addition, it has been used to assist in the assimilation of vitamins A and E, to ameliorate skin disorders, and to enhance night vision.
Vibrates to the number 9.
Electric-Blue Sheen Obsidian
Astrological Sign of Sagittarius
Electric-blue obsidian is a black obsidian which contains a radiance of electric blue, ranging from a powder blue [sometimes with a powder pink] to a deep indigo.
Used alone. it further assists one in accessing the bases of any difficulties which one is experiencing. It emits an energy conducive to balance the energy fields [personal and those with which one experiences contact] and to assist in the suspension of actions which are ineffectual and/or unavailing.
In “gazing” activities it has been applied to the shamanic and the healing arts, providing for the recognition of the areas within the emotional, physical, and/or intellectual bodies which are creating dysfunctional events/conditions. It further acts to cleanse the mind of contrary and dissenting thoughts of the self and of others, assisting in the promotion of patience and tolerance.
“Electric-blue”, configured into spherical formations has served to enhance the activities of “gazing” and “journeying”; the energy transfer, being simultaneously in all directions, has easily facilitated the trance state, and has enhanced all activities associated with psychic communication, astral travel, future-telling, and past-life ascension. It has also promoted a direct access to communication with those of other planetary realms, providing for a direct link to those which whom one needs contact.
It is an excellent third-eye stone, stimulating visionary experiences and providing for the activation and energizing of the third-eye chakra. It assists one in traveling deeply within the inner being and in maintaining the depth while integrating the myriad of visual images which are made available. It assists the energy from the third-eye to be transported throughout the body, producing an intuitive understanding of the complete cellular structure.
“Electric-blue” stimulates intuition and enhances awareness. It provides for freedom in accessing per-determined sites during astral travel and assists one in both lucid dreaming and dream recall. It is an excellent grounding stone [when consciously applied to that purpose]. It has also been applied to the amplification of the auric field, and via testing with Kirlian photography, has been shown to increase the range and to both intensify and brighten the energies..
It can be used in the application of radionic techniques, enhancing the attunement of the radionic techniques, enhancing the attunement of the radionics operator and the subject, and enabling the user to more easily recognize the response.
Used as a pendulum, during diagnostic research, the energy of the mineral acts to interfere with the energy of the user and indicates the areas which are involved, as well as, the problems which are implicated [the recognition of the problems is usually expedient].
At this time, spherical configurations have been used primarily in all applications; the smaller pieces of the mineral, when fashioned for the third-eye and additional chakra locations, also work quite will. Jewelry has also been created which includes the “Electric Blue” – wearing the mineral assists one in maintaining a protective field which not only shields one from negativity, but also transforms any negativity to either a positive “thing” or to that which is both meaningless and harmless.
The mineral is of immense benefit in furthering the receptivity of the subject during healing exercises.
It has been used in the treatment of disorders of spinal alignment and to ameliorate the arrangement of impaired vertebrae. It has been used in the treatment of circulatory disorders, it disseminate and disperse growths, to ameliorate toxicity, to enhance and strengthen the structure of the veins, and to allay spasmatic conditions.
It can also be used to improve the eyesight; an elixir, taken internally, is recommended for this application. “Electric-blue” is currently being applied to deficient immune systems and dysfunctional cellular structures. Additional applications are currently in the experimental stages.
Vibrates to the number 7
Gold Sheen Obsidian
Astrological Sign of Sagittarius.
Gold sheen obsidian is also used for “gazing” and acts to provide information concerning the “root” of the problem or situation, The energy seems to pierce the outer layers of a problem, allowing for the heart of the problem to become evident.
This mineral also assists in producing a definition of the bases for ones path of action. It is an excellent vehicle for “gazing”, usually used by those advanced in the shamanic and healing arts.
Gold sheen obsidian allows one to attain communion with the source of all being. It emits an energy to prompt one to allow beauty to come forth from the inner being as one travels in and through the world of experiences accessed via the sheen.
The energy can further be used to balance the energy fields and to assist one in the elimination of ego conflicts and feelings of futility.
Gold sheen obsidian also reflects that which is needed in ones life; it does not give that which is needed but, instead, provides insight to the avenues available which could bring fruition to those needs.
Vibrates to the number 9
Green Obsidian
Astrological sign of Gemini
Green Obsidian stimulates the heart chakra and provides for cleansing of the area, removing not only extraneous matter and “muddiness”, but also gently removing the “hook-up” cords of others. The relief from the removal of these cords can provide for an openness and state of well-being that is likened to euphoria. It also protects the holder from future “hook-ups” and re-directs the cords to an endless vessel filled with white light.
It can be used in the treatment of disorders associated with the heart and gall bladder.
Vibrates to the number 5.
Mahogany Obsidian
Mahogany obsidian occurs as a combination of the colours red-brown and black.
It can be used to stimulate growth of the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual centers, and to provide strength in times of need. It further provides vitality to ones lifework and/or to the fulfillment of ones aspirations. It can also be used in the elimination of energy blockages and to assist in the relief of tension.
Vibrates to the number 4.
Purple Obsidian
Astrological Sign of Virgo
Deep purple obsidian, additionally, enhances the growth of the spiritual self and provides for spiritual awareness during participation in the activities which occur on the Earth Plane. It It is sometimes found as a sheen occurring with the black obsidian. It stimulates clairvoyance and encourages introspection. It provides for a connectedness between the intellect and the intuition, allowing for adequacy in communication of that which is experienced. It opens and activates the crown chakra while providing for grounding via the innate connection to the center of the Earth, thus producing a euphoric energy during the meditative state.
Vibrates to the number 8.
Purple Sheen Obsidian
Astrological Sign of Sagittarius
Purple sheen obsidian is also used to “gazing” and acts to provide information concerning the “root” of the problem or situation. The energy seems to pierce the outer layers of a problem, allowing the heart of the problem to become evident.
This mineral also assists in producing a definition of the bases for ones path of action. It is an excellent vehicles for “gazing”, usually used by those advanced in the shamanic and healing arts. Purple sheen obsidian assists in bringing on toward the enlightened state and to assist one in seeing beyond the immediate reality. It tends to fill ones mind with clarity and brings the mechanisms of psychic ability to initiation and actualization.
This mineral has been used to stimulate clarity for mental accomplishments and to assist in removal of apprehension and confusion. It has been used in the treatment of Alzheimer dis-ease and to reduce the stress related to daily living.
Vibrates to the number 5.
Rainbow Obsidian
Astrological Sign of Libra
Rainbow obsidian bring light and love to ones life, and allowing for the recognition of the spiritual side of ones nature. It is also used for “gazing”, especially in the areas of love matters, relationships, and total development of ones etheric and physical forms.
It is a “stone of pleasure”, bringing gratification and enjoyment to ones life.
Vibrates to the number 2.
Red Obsidian
Astrological Sign of Leo
Red obsidian also stimulates physical energy and provides for a balancing of the male/female energies. It further enhances the stability in ones physical attributes and brings validity to ones being. It provides for an endowment of the richness of change, seeking to attract gentleness and to awaken dormant qualities.
It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the blood and spleen.
Vibrates to the master number 55
Red and Black Obsidian
Astrological Signs of Leo & Sagittarius
The combination of the colours red and black in this form of obsidian stirs the flame of the spirit to initiate the rise of Kundalini.
It also provides for vitality and virility and brings a connected-ness to the “brotherhood” of humanity, eliminating the need to perceive oneself as an individual and/or as an unique unit of consciousness. This further allows for both the expansion of ones identity and the creation of the “life you would love to live.
It can also be used in the treatment of fever and chills.
Vibrates to the number 3.
Red,Black, and Snowflake Obsidian
Astrological Sign of Sagittarius
Red, Black, and Snowflake Obsidian combines the qualities of the Red Obsidian, the Black Obsidian, and Snowflake Obsidian, and further acts to bring automatic grounding during meditation, to open the crown chakra, to stabilize the movement of the Kundalini, and to enhance ones energy fields.
It produces a softness to ones activities and to ones communication to the self and to others.
It has also been used in the treatment of disorders of the skin, the blood and the ears. It further has been used to ameliorate inflexibility of bones.
Vibrates to the number 1.
Silver Sheen Obsidian
Astrological Sign of Sagittarius
Silver sheen obsidian in also used for “gazing” and acts to provide information concerning “root” of the problem or situation. The energy seems to pierce the outer layers of a problem, allowing for the heart of the problem to become evident.
This mineral also assists in producing a definition of the bases for ones path of action. It is an excellent vehicles for “gazing”, usually used by those advanced in the shamanic and healing arts.
Silver sheen obsidian assists in bringing one “the advantage” throughout life. It can also be used as a mirror to the soul, one to stimulate seeing the self as others see you. That which is seen is not always complimentary, but can always be utilized, by the aware individual, to guide one to further refinement and progression of ones personal actualization. It enhances patience and perseverance in the tasks chosen and allows one to understand the underlying reasons for the tasks. Silver sheen obsidian also produces a very strong connection between the physical and astral bodies, assuring that one may always “come home”.
Vibrates to the number 2.
Snowflake Obsidian
Astrological Sign of Virgo
Snowflake obsidian is a black obsidian with inclusion of a white mineral [phenocryst], whose structure within the obsidian, when polished, resembles a snowflake.
It allows one to recognize the unnecessary patterns which remain in ones life and to re-design ones thought patterns to provide relief from undesired conditions.
It assists one in actualizing the serenity of the isolated state, when isolated is manifested, stimulating the surrender to the totality of the meditative state and further promoting a sensitivity to the most vital powers in the universe – love and beauty.
It is a “stone of purity”, bringing both purity and balance to the body, mind, and spirit. It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the veins and the skeletal structure. It can also be used to smooth the skin [an elixir is recommended] and to clear the eyes.
Vibrates to the number 8.
Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997