Tiger Eye Meaning
Astrological Sign of Capricorn
Tiger Eye is a quartz replacement of crocidolite [blue asbestos] or of gold asbestos. It differs from cats eye with respect to the configuration of the fibers; the fibers are twisted ore crumpled instead of straight. It exhibits the quality of chatoyancy due to the reflection of light by the fibrous structure. The colour range includes red, brown, gold, cream, black, and blue.
This mineral brings together the vibrations of sand and sunlight, synthesizing the energies of the Sun and the Earth. It combines sharpness and grounding, and is quite practical in its sphere of concern. It resonates to the frequencies of the Earth, encouraging stability with dynamic beauty. The vibration is conducive to peacefulness and stimulates the actions requited to advance the encounters with others during the meditative state.
It is helpful for individuals seeking clarity and for those who must deal intelligently with the scattered details which must be brought together into some pattern.
It can be used to enhance the psychic abilities and can assist in the gentle attunement of third-eye activity – this stone being best adapted to “earthy” people.
At the base chakra, it can help to discipline sexual and emotional life, bringing “light” to instances where one must be practical.
It contains a solar energy which helps with those psychic processes which involves the solar plexus chakra – promoting intuitive impressions.
Tiger eye can help one to become practical and of discrete ind, as well as more grounded. It can eliminate the “blues” and can bring brightness and optimism to the user. It also assists in providing insight to those issues which induce internal mental battles, delivering one from the “horns of dilemma” and the conflicts associated with willful pride. It further promotes the admiration for the pure and beautiful, allowing ones life, and ones passion for life, to open and to blossom.
It provides for balancing of the yin-yang energy. It further assists in the integration and balancing of both hemispheres of the brain, bringing awareness to perception.
It can help to prepare the systems of the body for the approach of enthusiasm for flowing with “the river of humanity” toward the “one”. it further acts to attune one to the connected-ness of the brothers and sisters of the planet, releasing introversion and fear, while promoting experiences which are fresh and new.
It tends to bring awareness of ones personal needs as well as the needs of others, stimulating understanding with respect to disparity between the pleasure of “wishing” and the act of “having”. It has been used to stimulate wealth and to enhance the stability required to maintain wealth.
It produces soothing vibrations, generating a calmness to unsettled turmoil, and allowing one to enjoy the actions of being unfenced and uninhibited.
It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the eye, the throat, the reproductive system, and diverticular constrictions, and to aid in night vision. It can be used to strengthen the alignment of the spinal column and to facilitate the mending of broken bones.
Vibrates to the number 4
Chakra Activated (1st & 3rd)
Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997