Chrysoprase Meaning
Astrological Sign of Libra
CHRYSOPRASE is a form of apple green chalcedony.
In addition to the attributes listed in the chalcedony section of this site, the following properties are applicable.
This mineral is useful for balancing the yin-yang energy and for aligning the chakras with the ethereal plane. It activates, opens, and energizes the heart chakra, bringing the energy necessary to the physical body, through the loving energy of the heart.
It instills a state of grace within the the user, facilitating deep meditative states, compassion and clemency. It provides for non-judgmental attitudes, acceptance of others, acceptance of self, and savoir-faire.
It can also help to heal a “broken heart” , enabling one to understand the patterns of growth.
Chrysoprase helps to provide insight for resolution of personal problems. It increases selflessness and love in actions.
Vibrates to the number 3
Chakra Activated (4th & 5th)
Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997