Granite Meaning

Granite Gem Meaning

Granite Meaning

Astrological Sign of Libra

GRANITE is composed of primarily of quartz and feldspar. The colour range includes grey, white, pink, black and yellow-brown. In addition to the properties listed in QUARTZ and FELDSPAR sections of this site, the following qualities are applicable.

Granite can be used to enable one to “see the big picture”, instead of being in the mind-set to “see the puddle, when there is an ocean awaiting”. It helps to banish the negative traits of skepticism and to train the user in the difference between beliefs and “knowing”.

It helps one to maintain balance in relationships and cooperative efforts, facilitating diplomacy and discretion in all matters of import. It also enables one to “nip” disagreeable situations at the onset, defeating negativity with ease.

It has been revered, in ancient times by the Mayan nation, and more recently by the aboriginal tribes, to be sacred, magical stone; affording protection and increase to the user.

It has been reported that granite also brings one an increase in money; the mineral inducing recognition of, and generous overtures to, the user, while allowing for continuity in modesty by the user.

Granite can be used in the treatment of disorders associated with the hair, face, and head.

Vibrates to the number 2

Chakra Activated (7th)

Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997