Halite Meaning

Halite Meaning

Halite Meaning

Astrological Sign of Cancer & Pisces

HALITE crystallizes in the form of masses, columnar structures, and cubic crystals [some with concave faces]. The range of color includes colourless and shades of yellow, red, and blue.

This mineral enhances good will, elevates ones moods, ameliorates mood swings, and diminishes negativity. It is excellent in rectifying the “mood of abandonment”, inciting initiative and independent thought.

It can also provide insight to allow greater freedom with respect to meeting contingencies.

It stimulates the acupressure/acupuncture meridians and can be used for the preservation of same.

It also allows one to go deep within the self  in order to find the ancient solutions to present-day problems.

Due to solubility of Halite, do not prepare an elixir of his mineral via the normal method.

It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the colon and lower intestinal tract, for amelioration of water retention, and to augment strength during physical activities. A word of caution; it is recommended that halite is not placed on the abdominal area during pregnancy; it can, however, be placed upon the other portions of the body.

Halite occurs in special hues which require mentioning. The pink, deep pink, and cranberry colours occur in a deposit in California, USA. These colours occur in the halite which is based by a pink-to-cranberry shaded Burkeite; the colouring is caused by a seaweed-type plant growth within the mineral. This formation of halite has additional attributes, including cleaning of the heart chakra, assisting in regenerative growth, dispelling oppression, and for use a diuretic. It is not suitable for wearing; for carrying, it should be provided protection due to fragility. Having a small cluster in ones environment can facilitate feelings of love and well being.

Another rare hue of halite manifests in the colour of indigo blue, where the indigo blue is as an inclusion within the crystallized halite. The astrological sign of Pisces represents this mineralogical formation. Indigo halite has been found in Germany and as additional attributes, including the stimulation of psychic power, mysticism, and intuition. It is also said to encourage adaptability. It aids in the assimilation of the proper amount of iodine, and be used in the treatment in disorders of the thalamus, thymus,and thyroid. One can use small amounts of this mineral as an elixir and as a mineral additive in cooking [small amounts being one to four drops]

Vibrates to the number 7

Chakra Activated (2nd & 3rd)

Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997