Kunzite Meaning
Astrological Sign of Scorpio, Taurus & Leo
In the world of geology, the occurrence of spodumene in the color pink is known as kunzite; however, there is little distinction made between kunzite and the other forms and colors of spodumene when the mineral is sold. Therefore, for metaphysical purposes, the whole range of colors is addressed in this section.
Kunzite crystalizes in the form of flattened prismatic crystals which are vertically striated, and in massive formations which are perfectly cleavable. The color range includes colorless, yellow, green, pink, grey, and purple; occasionally the specimen is bi-couloured or tri-coloured and rarely, rutile inclusions are found.
This mineral activates the heart chakra and aligns the heart chakra with the throat chakra and third-eye. It synthesizes the energies to produce loving thoughts and loving communication. Just holding this stone produces the feeling of a powerful peace, gently penetrating the inner core of ones being. It connects one to the infinite acknowledgement and external expression fo self-love, unconditional love, and romantic love. It is an excellent stone for those who are not totally relaxed when expressing the emotions of the heart space.
Kunzite can be used to remove obstacles from ones path. It further provides indication of the procedural steps required to attain the desired end result and acts as a facilitator in the physical, emotional, and intellectual realms.
It dissolves negativity, automatically raising the vibrations of the area surrounding it; the diameter of the energy field can range from two inches to infinity [if directed properly]. It can be used to dispel possession from outside influences/entities; providing protective on the outer areas of the aura, kunzite produces a shield from unwanted energies.
It assists one in attaining deep meditative states and provides for centering in all situations; it helps one to mentally retire when in the midst of a crowd, to remain calm in the midst of distraction, and to sustain wisdom in the midst of folly. Kunzite also stimulates intuition and creativity during the meditative state. It dispels static un-focused energy and provides for rhythmic centering including precision in all activities, After holding the mineral in a vertical position and aligning the chakras, the energy centers are balanced internally and connected sequentially; a “trip” with kunzite can be quite stimulating.
This mineral promotes maturity in thought and action, while allowing one to maintain the openness of a child. It assists one in understanding and accepting the type of security which does not infringe on ones stay of freedom. It helps one to be open, strong, loving, and vibrant, acting as a maintaining force while refreshing the energies of the intellect and emotions. It also stimulates sensitivity and sensuality.
It can bee used during radionics analysis; holding a piece of kunzite and placing a piece of kunzite on the witness or using a pendulum of this stone, the energy of the stone interferes with the energy of the user and points to the problem[s] involved.
Use of an elixir, wearing, carrying, or allowing kunzite to rest within ones environment, are all recommended.
Kunzite can be used to both strengthen and reinforce the physical heart muscles. It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the lungs and circulatory functions, and to ameliorate stress-related dis-ease. It has been used to eliminate energy blockages which encourage the onset of dysfunctions within the body. It can also be used to stimulate the secretion of the hormones of well-being.
In addition to the properties discussed above, the very pale yellow kunzite exhibits some additional qualities. This kunzite, aligns the seven major chakras within a twenty-four hour period. It also allows for RNA/DNA structuring and re-building, promotes stability in the calcium/magnesium field, provides blueprint information for cellular development in accordance with the perfect structure, and can be used to deflect radiation and microwaves from ones auric field.
Vibrates to the number 7
Chakra Activated (4th & Up)
Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997