Bloodstone Meaning
Astrological Signs of Aries, Pisces, & Libra
BLOODSTONE is a form of jasper. Bloodstone is a variety of quartz that occurs in massive formations. The color is green with flecks of red; in smaller pieces of the mineral, the red does not appear.
The biblical reference refers to Christ’s blood spilling on the stone. It grounds and cleanses the physical body, and helps with all blood disorders.
This mineral is an intense healing stone and a “stone of courage”. It can be used to awaken and introduce uniformity within energy in the base, navel, sacral, and heart chakras.
It helps one to accept change in energy fields. It also helps one toward union with the Divine through contemplation, meditation, and love.
It also provides one with the centering and grounding energy of the heart, and is conducive to balancing the total body in order to help one to overcome any distress and anxiety which is associated with the realignment of the energies.
Vibrates to the numbers 4 & 6
Chakra Activated (1st)
Bibliography: Melody, Love Is In The Earth – Earth Love Publishing House, 1997